Being the first of it’s kind, The Offer Wellness HRV Homeostatic Biomarker Testing Program allows physicians to deliver high quality, individualized care plans through point of care testing for patients with current or possible asymptomatic chronic health conditions.


FDA Approved Medical Devices

We supply several “state of the art” FDA approved medical devices that test for “Homeostasis” and “Sympathetic Dominance” using HRV and Pulse Wave Velocity technologies. The devices can also test for cardiovascular disease and neuropathy. These level one tests take about 8 minutes to complete with immediate tests results.*

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Increase Revenue

This program can significantly increase practice revenues.

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No Investment Needed

No investment by the practice of any kind. This is a partnership program that supplies all of the medical devices, billing oversight, research, software updates, and patient care plan insights. There is no financial risk to the practice of any kind.

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Training Provided

We also train the providers and staff (no prior training or expertise needed) to use our devices and expertly interpret the results.

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Advanced AI Algorithms

These devices use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that give providers and other health care professionals the ability to also detect asymptomatic medical conditions. (Cardiovascular conditions, nerve damage, anxiety and stress-related conditions, weakened immune system, long covid through POTS, etc.)

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Trusted History

This program has been providing tests results for over 9 years and is being currently used in 21 states.

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Please scroll down for program details