LpPLA2 Testing

LpPLA2 Testing

Lp-PLA2 (PLAC®) Test

LDL carries Lp-PLA2 to the coronary artery walls where it activates an inflammatory response. This makes plaque, if present, more prone to rupture. Because this enzyme is associated with causing inflammation of coronary artery walls, high levels of Lp-PLA2 would therefore seem to indicate an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

As a result, the PLAC Test, which is measuring levels of Lp-PLA2, serves as a specific independent coronary marker.

Lp-PLA2 activity

The PLAC Test measures Lp-PLA2 activity quantitatively.

Given that the majority of heart attacks and strokes are caused by plaque rupture and thrombosis, rather than narrowing of the arteries, it would seem that individuals with high levels of Lp-PLA2 might benefit from more aggressive management with therapeutic intervention and/or lifestyle modification.

Lipid levels alone cannot provide a great deal of information on the status of the artery wall whereas Lp-PLA2 is a direct measure of artery wall enzyme activity, independent of other cardiovascular markers.


Recommendation for Use of Lp-PLA2 Testing

It is not intended that the PLAC Test should replace blood lipid testing or other traditional risk factors identified for cardiovascular disease. It provides an additional independent risk marker.

The PLAC test is recommended for patients with known CVD disease or specific signs of atherosclerosis through pulse wave velocity testing (HRV Wave Testing).

High levels of Lp-PLA2 are consistently linked to higher risk of heart attack and stroke in multiple population-based studies*

Further investigations using other independent cardiovascular biomarkers (Apo B, Lp(a), etc.) as well as periodic HRV Wave testing should be performed to build a patient history of overall arterial health.

The Offer Wellness HRV Wave Device can be a tremendous tool for primary care doctors in their fight to prevent cardiovascular disease for patients.